Sunday, December 20, 2015


I Promise Myself:-

1.To be strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
2.To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet.
3.To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
4.To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism true.
5.To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect       only the best.
6.To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
7.To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater 
   achievement of the future.
8.To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every 
   living creature i meet.
9.To give so much time to improve myself, that i have no time to 
    criticize others.
10.To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, 
     and to happy to permit the presence of the trouble.
11. To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in 
     loud words but in great deeds.
12.To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I am 
    true to the best that is in me.

Friday, December 4, 2015


Image result for hindu religion images

Hinduism is secular, giving scope for one to follow any of the numerous Gods, before him, in any manner he likes. The Vedic scripts dins into us that all religions should be honoured.

Religion, which is eternal, is the property of all people. Any attempt to remove its influence from the masses will be only an exercise in futility. 
   Whether one likes it or not, it is soaked in most of us and cannot be       removed from us. For instance, one comes across a pavement dweller or a daily wage earner getting out of bed and worshipping even a brick or a stone   to which he applies vermilion powder. For such persons it serves as a symbol   of God and as the supreme power.

What is relevant to Hinduism, is the basic faith entertained by all, that God will definitely come to the succour of those who believe him. The intellectuals however visit the temples or scriptural texts and derive the benefit. We can go to the extent of saying that the world cannot thrive without religious activity in some way or the other.

The common factor in all religions is the belief that there exists in it Transcendental Truth, acceptable by all and applicable to all. This idea will continue to be entertained for all time to come. The purpose of religion is the creation of Divine Consciousness.

There is only one God, though He has many forms and there are different paths to reach Him. The comparison is, a woman can be a mother, daughter, wife, sister or a friend to various people depending on her relationship with them. But she remains the same individual. So the basic concept is oneness in diversity.

Why do Hindus worship God in different forms?

Actually, Hindus believe in only one formless and all-pervading, all-existing, and all-blissful God. That formless God, however, can best be realized by concentrating on various forms of ideal personalities as recorded in the scriptures. 

In other words, the Hindu religion is flexible and provides many ways to develop one's spiritual ideas in order to suit individual needs. "Unity in the diverse plan of nature" is recognized in the Hindu faith. Just as people tailor clothes to fit their needs, Hindus have different gods and goddesses for their religious needs. 

All these gods and goddesses resemble humans, animals or natural forces such as wind, water, fire, sun, and moon; each has different powers to bless the world. These godheads, when worshipped, fulfill people's desires in an easier way, but with the same qualities of blessings as from one God or Supreme Reality.

That the Supreme can be worshipped in any form is a concept unique to Hinduism. Such worship is truly a tribute to His greatness.The following verse in Sanskrit verse acknowledges the diversity of human society, practices and behavior.

“Varied are the tastes and many are the paths to a goal.

Some are righteous, some are not. 
Yet, all aim to reach the goal, 
just like all the rivers lead to the ocean. 
Similarly, man traverses to Thee.” 

It clearly shows that the ancient Indians had seen the virtue of secularism and forbearance. Secularism enhances freedom of not only religion but also complements reasoning and progress. It dispels the inflexibility and intransigence (die-hardism or stubbornness) of certain constricting religious beliefs and it is the greatest emancipator.


Sunday, November 29, 2015


Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct.

Saturday, November 21, 2015



Monday, November 9, 2015


This story of a son and father is sure to tug at the heartstrings. The author appears to be unknown, but these words of wisdom leave a powerful impression.

A son took his old father to a restaurant for an evening dinner.

Father being very old and weak, while eating, dropped food on his shirt and trousers.

Others diners watched him in disgust while his son was calm.

After he finished eating, his son who was not at all embarrassed, quietly took him to the wash room, wiped the food particles, removed the stains, combed his hair and fitted his spectacles firmly. When they came out, the entire restaurant was watching them in dead silence, not able to grasp how someone could embarrass themselves publicly like that.

The son settled the bill and started walking out with his father.

At that time, an old man amongst the diners Called out to the son and asked him, “Don’t you think you have left something behind?”

The son replied, “No sir, I haven’t.”

The old man retorted, “Yes, you have! You left a lesson for every son and hope for every father.”

The restaurant went silent.

What a touching life lesson about caring for our loved ones!


Image result for strength of nation images

The strength of a Nation is not found in the blind commitment 
to a political party.
It is found in the undying devotion to one's family and country. 

The strength of a nation is not found in the celebration of the 
rich and the famous.
It is found in the acknowledgment and assistance of its poor and forgotten. 

The strength of a nation is not found in the symbolic ceremonial 
praise of God.
It is found in each individual's dedication to God's word and law. 

Image result for strength of nation images quotes

The strength of a nation is not found in banks, stores, safes, 
boardrooms, and conventions.
It is found in homes, in schools, and in the heart of each individual
willing to make a difference. 

The strength of a nation is not found in the ability to wage war 
or keep peace.
It is found in the wisdom and purity that sees no need for either.

The strength of a nation is not found on a flag or in its written history.
It is found in the love, compassion, kindness, and generosity of each 
of its citizens. 


People celebrate this festival by bursting firecrackers signifying the victory of good over evil. One way it is rainy season and it is good for killing of insects and mosquitoes. And in another way it is very dangerous to people which creates health problems also. Please don’t use hazardous crackers which cause health problems. Moreover bursting firecrackers was not part of our Deepavali tradition.

Every year during Diwali, hospitals are full of patients who suffer from asthma and other respiratory ailments. “Those who are most troubled by this are young children and the elderly one. The reasons are due to the highly using of hazardous fire crackers and every year there has been some criticism about the celebration of Deepavali in India publishing in all news papers.The most common issue is the noise pollution caused by crackers, which greatly affects infants, pets and older people. The chemicals like copper cadmium, lead, magnesium, potassium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphorus in PO4 and sulphur in SO4 used in crackers cause severe eye, throat and breathing problems. They even result in headache and reduces mental acuity, allergic bronchitis, acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases), laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia.

Since smoke from firecrackers and other fireworks during Diwali can lead to choking spells for people suffering from asthma and other respiratory diseases.Children, pregnant women and those suffering from respiratory problems suffer the most due to excessive noise. It results in making them hyperactive or withdrawn. Pet animals like cats and dogs have horrible time during this festival as the cracker sounds they hear are many times more louder than what we humans can hear. And you will hardly find any of them in the open as they will be hiding under the bed or in some remote corner away from the sounds. Feel sorry for those poor animals.

In all festivals I like and love Deepavali very much and I used to celebrate the festival with great pomp and enthusiasm. But when I am pursuing LLB degree I studied a public interest litigation case filed by Mr.M.C.Mehta which made me tear jerking and from that time on-wards I decided not to buy crackers because many kids are made to work in the fire cracker factories by giving up their golden life. Children in firework factories across India suffer physically with bruises So I decided I should not buy it to promote child Labour.

My appeal to all my fellow Indians is that on this holy day; Stop Buying and bursting crackers. Save a few children their lives and save yourself. Think about the children below 12 years and thousands of other Children involved in child labor in our Fireworks factories. For those poor kids this festival of light simply translates into more forced and hazardous work. Think about them before buying and bursting crackers. Please do not buy and burst crackers because if you do that then in a way you intend to help an industry that unethically and inhumanely employs thousands of children. Stop supporting child Labour. Moreover bursting firecrackers was not part of our Deepavali tradition.

Still if you have already bought them and definitely want to burst Please think twice if you want to burst instead of throwing away and not buy next time.
If you still want to burst, make sure to buy low decibel ones from brands which carry NCLE/NHLI (NO CHILD LABOUR EMPLOYED/INVOLVED) SEAL.

If you want to burst, make sure you don't cause trouble to neighbors, pedestrians and traffic.

Don't burst high decibel, high sounding crackers to cause panic to sick & elder people.

Don’t burst crackers from 10PM to 6AM - it is illegal as per Supreme Court orders

This year too the request people to not use crackers and celebrate it as a festival of lights. “It has become a sign of opulence. It is actually a nuisance. Deepavali should be a festival of lights rather than one of injuries.

Fill the heart with the oil of love. Place in it the wick of single - pointed mind. Light it with the knowledge of truth and remove the darkness of Ignorance around you.

Best wishes for the festivals of lights. May the festival stir up within you the unconquerable desire to excel in the pursuit you are engaged. Have a sense of pride aiming at achieving excellence in what ever work you undertake. It must be your endeavour to throw your heart and soul into it and try to achieve high standards of excellence.