Sunday, September 25, 2016


“One must discover early that the hardest thing to overcome is not a physical disability but the mental condition which it induces. You all proved that determination and "Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile."
Hats off, and you are backbone of nations.So touching and talented.Being a true Indian/Human, I must appreciate your efforts and I believe Paralympics should be given more publicity.Salute to all these boys and girls.Their will power needs to be imbibed. These players give us an important lesson of living life without worrying about physical limitations.One has to have a positive attitude and must make the best of the situation that one finds oneself in; if one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically disabled as well. In my opinion, one should concentrate on activities in which one's physical disability will not present a serious handicap.
What I learned was that these athletes were not disabled, they were superabled. The Olympics is where heroes are made. The Paralympics is where heroes come.
Last but not least Hats of to the person who made this medal with a super thought.See their faces with heart full smiles that feeling must be awesome.

Friday, September 16, 2016


Remembering M S Subbulakshmi 'Nightingale' of Carnatic music, on her Birth Anniversary who was more than just an exceptional singer with an indomitable spirit. Age did not wither her.The spirit was attributable to a total and unparalleled surrender to the lord. The fact that the Mahatma chose only her to sing ‘Vaishnava Janato’ on many occasions, and that Pandit Nehru called her ‘The Nightingale of India’ were only added jewels to an already resplendent crown.

MSL who has millions of fans and music lovers across the world. Today she is no more amidst us., but the rich legacy of music she has left behind for us is enough proof of her living amidst us in our hearts.she inhales music with every breath that she takes. There have been no compromises, no tactical manoeuvres, no conscious efforts to capture attention, no sacrifice of quality at the altar of showmanship and no stooping to thrill, only striving to elevate. She merely sings from the depths of her soul and the world sways to the magic of her music.
I reverentially pay rich musical tributes to this immortal singer M S Subbalakshmi on her Birth centenary.

Monday, September 5, 2016


On the day of Ganesha Chaturthi festival, there is a tradition of worshipping Lord Ganesha with 21 different varieties of leaves known as Ekavimshati Pathra Pooja. The number 21 signifies - the five organs of perception, five organs of action, five vital airs (pranas), five elements, and the mind.
Apart from spiritual significance there is also an element of health consciousness and environmental protection involved in its usage. Even today these leaves/herbs are used in preparing Ayurvedic medicines curing several diseases. Apart from this they act as a Divine way of controlling pollution, be it water or air.As this festival comes in monsoon it saves us from various viral infections and water born diseases.After the worship the leaves along with idol will be immersed in water and these leaves purify the water with its medicinal properties, water with out causing pollution. Thus worshiping Lord Ganesha with different varieties of leaves is associated with the belief that these medicinal values will reach the human beings either through air or water apart from providing the required sanctity and spirituality.
Instead following what our ancestors told we are using what ever available in the markets and we are disturbing environment pollution by endangering the water bodies. My appeal to all is if you dont know the 21 varieites then just offer 21 blades of Druva Grass to him with a piece of Jaggery .He will simply satisies and What is more important is devotion not the ritual.
Lord Ganesha is our mentor and protector.May he enrich our life by always giving great beginnings and removing obstacles from our life. Happy Ganesha Chathurthi.
wishing you a Blessed and Happy Ganesha chathurthi


I Respect all Human beings.I bow to the teachers who are Gods in human form. I am indebted to my parents for living but to my teacher for living well. The teachers who stand and teach us while we are seated standing till the end while we have grown and progressed by leaps and bounds.No matter how great we may become in the future. We should never forget such teachers.Today everyone is aware of who bill gates is but how many of us are aware that his mother was a teacher. Teacher are the backbone of every society or Nation they are the one who lead the youth toward a bright future The teacher is a representative of the society who inculcates moral precepts.In the development of a country great attention has to be paid to education and learning, as well as good morals, and nobody is more suited to assist in this process than the humble teacher.With out teachers both knowledge and morals would suffer.
Whatever we have achieved in our life is just because of our teacher. So our Teacher’s, deserve to be appreciated as much as possible, and we may not say this every day, but at least on teacher’s day we have to express our gratitude and remembrance towards them and make them feel that we really do care for him/her.
Happy teachers day to all teachers in the world. Firstly, here’s a big thank you to all my teachers. So many of them inspired me and I’m indebted to all of them for imbibing such good values in me. Salutes to all my Teachers who mould me the way i m towards Education, Service & Value based ideologies.


There was a lady who had a little son. The lady was a social worker and always left the son alone to be looked after the servants and went to do social work. The little boy grew up in the absence of maternal love and care and developed some complexes. The mother got alarmed at the delinquency and the freak and referred him to a psychologist, Who, after psychoanalysis, told the mother that the abnormal behavior of her son had developed due to lack of maternal love and care. The mother said. “I am a social worker and get no time to give to my son.” The Psychologist said. “Madam ! I appreciate your love for social work. but you must know that charity begins at home.”
Charity sees the need not the cause. Charity Is the act of giving , typically of money and or time to those Less Advantaged, And Poor People around the World.Many times we avoid giving by finding fault with the person who is seeking. However, being judgmental and rejecting a person on the presumption that he may not be the most deserving, is not justified.“Give without being judgmental!”
Coming to the manner of giving, one has to ensure that the receiver does not feel humiliated, nor the giver feels proud by giving.In giving, follow the advice ‘Let not your left hand know what your right hand gives? Charity without publicity and fanfare is the highest form of charity.’‘Give quietly!’
Wordsworth wrote, "The best portion of a good life is the little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love." The best kindness is to give our time and sincere best wishes to people, regardless of whether they can give us anything in return

Sunday, September 4, 2016


If you ask any keralite what is the significance of Onam they will say with out thinking that it is the day Remembering our King Mahabali but many of them do not know that it is also celebrates the commemoration of Vamana avatara of Lord Vishnu.
The significance of onam festival is firstly being a harvest festival,it is time to thank God for the bountiful yield and enjoy the bounty of nature after a year of hard labour. Secondly it is celebrated the commemoration of Vamana avatara ( Thiruonam is regarded as the birth star of Lord Vamana the fifth incarnation of Maha Vishnu which is one of the 10 incarnations (Dasavataram) and third to welcome the spirit of King Mahabali who is said to visit the place at the time of Onam.
The name "Mahabali" itself means Great Sacrifice and he fulfilled his name as the great martyr for the sake of Truth ("Satya"). Every keralite knows that Mahabali's rule considered as the golden era of Kerala, who had brought great peace and prosperity to the land. For Last years onam post so many people especially children questioned me that why we kearlites are worshipping a god who sent the good king in to Patala lokam (Neither world).
The interesting part of the Vamana Avatar is that Lord Vishnu does not kill any demons. Vamana Avatar was meant only to see that the power of the demons does not increase, as having one righteous demon would not change the whole set of demons. For the devotion of Mahabali, Lord Vishnu (Vamana) granted him rule over the Neitherworld. As a last gift, Mahabali was granted permission to visit his subjects once a year. Thus, Keralites celebrate the Onam festival to commemorate the memory of the Great King Mahabali who would keep his promise to visit.
In Yoga Vasistha Lord Rama asks his guru sage Vasistha, Who king Mahabali was, and the answer he got was that he was a great king and was protected by lord vishnu.
Thus Onam is 8000 year old festival and most important cultural festival-to remind the denizens of a once blissful, harmoniuos and happy era – under the rule of a benevolent king.The beauty of the festival lies in its secular fabric. People of all religions, castes and communities celebrate the festival with equal joy and verve.As the festival lasts for ten days and is linked to many elements of kerala's culture and tradition it can be undoubtedly said that these elements constitute the diversity, colorfulness and richness that no other festival can claim in this world.


Tribute to India's Daughter Neerja Bhanot Many of us just learnt about a great sacrifice that was made by young 22 year old Neerja Bhanot, the brave young woman who lost her life while trying to save many others on board the Pan Am Flight 73 hijacked on September 5, 1986, is being remembered all over the country today.
According to Mrs. Malti Krishnaswamy and other eyewitnesses, Neerja was caught by the leader of the terrorists and shot point blank. In the dead body I saw bullets had hit her in the abdomen, on the shoulder near the neck and in the arm. When she opened the emergency exit, she could have herself been the first to slide down the chute. But she was the “captain”, who believed that she had to be the last person to quit – alive or dead.
Mr. Keith D. Smith saying: “The courageous manner in which she lived was very evident in the courageous manner in which she died. Shielding 3 small children from danger was a bold, daring and brave act that so dignified Neerja’s personality.
Last but not least she proved that Humanity is the Highest religion and dont be judgmental while helping others.My heartfelt tribute to her.


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Sri Radha Ashtami, the birthday of Radha, is a major festival celebrated by Lord Krishna devotees just like Krishna Ashtami. Radha Ashtami falls in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada/Chingam, fifteen days after the birthday of Lord Krishna (Janmashtami). The love between Radha and Krishna is eternal and can only be understood after overcoming all the worldly impurities. This unique union symbolises how an individual soul merges with the supreme soul. Radha signifies individual soul and Lord Krishna is the universal soul. It is known that Radha and Krishna exist together and are referred as ‘Radhakrishna’.
There are many incidents that showed the true love between them but one of my most favourite was once Radha went to Krishna’s palace. Krishna’s wives after knowing her love and devotion for Krishna tried to test it out of some feeling of jealousy. They served her with the hottest food and asked her to eat. Radha without any hesitation and problem ate the food. Everyone was shocked and when Krishna’s wives went to see Krishna, they witnessed that his feet were all burnt severely. Reason was quite clear. Radha always had Krishna’s lotus feet in her mind and while thinking about his feet, she could not feel the hotness of food but Krishna’s feet got burnt. But these stories are not mentioned in major mythological texts.
The love of Radha Krishna till date is considered as the most pious and soulful love that has ever occurred between lovers. They are considered as one and thus Krishna amalgamates in Radha and showed the world a perfect example of true love.The relationship of Sri Krishna and Radha surpasses human concepts and is spiritual in nature. It is redundant to affirm that one may attain Krishna only through the Grace of Radha.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


If we look at the form of Krishna, we are enthralled by His beauty and Grace, but there are many secrets to Lord Krishna's appearance !
He is called as”Neela Megha Shyama”. First off, He is always pictured blue, this doesn’t mean that He was blue in colour.Blue is the colour of the sky and signifies that like the sky which has vastness and infinity, Krishna was also vastness and infinity personified.

Shree Krishna’s holds peacock feather particularly on his crown. The first reason is the belief that, the peacock is the only creature in nature that observes complete chastity in life. When he is happy, he dances with his wings and his eyes are filled with tears, Peahen drink these tears & conceives.Peacock does not have, even a tinge of lust in his heart.
Secondly a king is responsible for the whole society and that responsibility can become a burden, which sits on the head as the crown. Though Krishna is the Master of the entire universe, he takes his immense responsibility with the lightness of a feather!
Krishna, the youthful and delightful flute-player: as Murali-Manohar” the handsome one with a flute" he is often depicted standing beneath a sacred Kadamba tree, with his flute to his lips, his leg crossed in a graceful pose, a garland of flowers round his neck, a milk cow at his side affectionately licks his foot. He is usually depicted standing on one foot, the other a little lifted, as if dancing.One foot on the ground shows complete groundedness, firmly in the material world in which he lived a very full life, yet the other foot off the ground showed his spiritual side, his mysticism, his depth that no one really knew Him or could even know Him.

Through life Radha is his most beloved among all the gopis, but even she is jealous of his flute, because the flute always stays with him. Flute is the symbol of freedom (Pranava).The flute has seven holes and the music can be played from a flute only if it is hollow and empty.Lord Krishna used to call his spiritual companion Radha by playing the Flute.
Interestingly, Krishna is also known as Askalitha (Nitya) brahmachari. This was proved in Mahabharata when he protected King Parikshith in his mother's womb from Ashwatthama's astra.“Many great souls have taken birth on this earth. But Sri Krishna was a master and guide for all times, places and people,”.Krishna is said to be the completeness of beauty itself,” but that beauty is not just the beauty of an individual; it’s the compounded beauty of the entire universe.”

Saturday, August 20, 2016


A Wise Physician Said, The Best Medicine For Human Is "Care and Love"  Someone Asked, If It Does not  Work? He Smiled and Answered "Increase The Dose"

An engineer in a car manufacturing company designs a world class car. The owner is impressed with the outcome and praised him a lot.

While trying to bring out the car from the manufacturing area to the office they realized that  the car is few inches taller than the entrance.

The engineer felt bad that he didn't notice this one before creating the car.

The owner was amazed on how to take it outside of the manufacturing area.

The painter said that they can bring out the car and there will be few scratches on top of the car that he will do the tinkering later on.

The engineer said that they can break the entrance and after taking the car out, they can cement it.

The owner was not convinced with any ideas and felt like it is a bad sign to break or scratch.

The watchman was watching all these drama and slowly approached the owner. He wanted to give an idea if they have no problem. They thought what this guy would tell them that the experts could not give.

Watchman said that the car is only few inches taller than the entrance so if they release the air in the tyre, the height of the car will be adjusted and can be easily taken out.

Everyone there clapped their hands for him. Don't encounter problems from the expert point of view. There is always a layman point that will attract the masses.



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Life in the world is short, 
Why shoulder an unnecessary load
Of worldly relationships?
Thy parents gave thee birth in the world,
But the Lord ordained thy fate.
Life passes in getting and spending,
No merit is earned by virtuous deeds.

I will sing the praises of Hari
In the company of the holy men,
Nothing else concerns me.
Mira's Lord is the courtly Giridhara,
She says: Only by Thy power
Have I crossed to the further shore.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


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Hayagriva Jayanti is believed to be the day when Haygriva incarnation of Lord Vishnu appeared on earth. Hayagriva, the horse-faced one, is a very rare avatar of Vishnu. The purpose of this Avatar was to retrieve the stolen Vedas from the demons. Ancient texts says that Hayagriva is the first person to offer Akasharabasyam to Goddess Saraswati. That is the reason why, who performs aksharabhasyam to the child before the deity of Hayagriva will flourish well in education.

Haya, the horse, can bring miracles. It is not just an animal. It is a symbol of the highest possible wisdom. Worshipping and Seeking the blessings of Hayagriva makes life very easy, especially for students as he is the most important God to worship for knowledge. Sacred texts say that Hayagriva empowers his devotees with Knowledge and wisdom; the scared text says that, He makes life easy for people who worship him, by making them understand the problems much easily and also brings in clarity of thoughts.

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"Raksha Bandhan”  in Sanskrit literally means "the tie or knot of protection". The word Raksha means protection, while Bandhan is the verb to tie. Raksha Bandhan is now considered as a day to celebrate the sacred relation of a brother and a sister. Yet there have been examples in history where in rakhi has just been a raksha or protection. It could be tied by wife, a daughter or mother, or by a to the Guru disciple, even a friend can also tie to another friend vowing “I will defence you” And You defense me, we together defence the whole world ”. This bond does not have to be between blood relatives. When a Rakhi is tied on the wrists of close friends and neighbors, it underscores the need for a harmonious social life. This helps to broaden one’s vision beyond the borders of ones own family to the entire earth (vasudha) as one family –“Vasudhaiva kutumbam”.

Raksha Bandhan symbolizes the unmatched bond of love, care and respect. This festival conveys a message that has socio spiritual significance underscoring the need for nurturing of positive qualities, purity in thought, word and deed. The occasion involves a pledge of life-time practice of moral, cultural and spiritual values. The values and the sentiments attached to the rituals of this festival are worth inculcating by the whole human race, the sentiments of harmony and peaceful coexistence. The festival of Raksha Bandhan assumes all forms of Raksha or protection, of righteousness and destroyer of all sin.

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Sanskrit Diwas is celebrated to mark the importance of Sanskrit language, the mother of all Indian languages and the first among the ancient languages spoken in India. Sanskrit Diwas is annually observed on the Shravana Purnima day as per Hindu lunar calendar. Sanskrit Diwas is also known as Sanskrit Day.

I wish to end this post by quoting a Hayagriva Strotram, that one can chant for good knowledge and true education:

'Jnananadamayam devam
Nirmala spatikakrutim!
Aadaram sarpavidyanam
Hayagriva Mupasmahe!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

INNU CHINGAM 1 Kollavarsham 1192 (17th August, 2016)

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INNU CHINGAM 1 Kollavarsham 1192 (17th August, 2016) the day in which Keralites welcome the Ponnona maasam! As per Malayalam Calender the Kolla Varsham begins on August 17 2016. A great significance to the all keralities especially farmers! This is the new year day as per the Malayalam Era ,my favorite month in the Malayalam calender.So many festivals in this month, Krishna Astami, Vinayaka chaturthi, Onam.The first day of Chingam month is welcomed by people of Kerala with special poojas and prayers. Hindus in large numbers visit their near by temples.Today another speciality is "Thiruonam" Naksthram, ideal and auspicious to visit vishnu/Krishna Temples, and for chanting Vishnusahsranamam, and dhruva charitham.
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My New Year Wishes to all Keralites! HAPPY NEW YEAR.1192.Let Lord Guruvayur Krishna wishes Health Wealth, Success. and Happiness to all. One more speciality is today 17th Aug 2016, Wednesday is celebrated as Pilleeer Onam or Onam of Children. Pilleronam was usually celebrated 27 days before Thiruvonam in the month of Chingam . This Year Thiru Onam will be coming on 14th September. It was believed that there would be a break of about 10 days from the rains in Karkkidakam month and Pilleronam was celebrated in one of these days. This Onam is celebrated as a mini Onam with a mini-Onasadya.
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I am dedicating this post to my parents Especially My Amma.Even though I brought up in, out of Kerala I enjoyed all such traditions and festivals in my child hood days. Thanks a lot, for my wonderful parents who has ignited the value of culture and tradition.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


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In the Ramayana, there is no 'preaching of principles' but you are taken through the Avatar's journey as a human being. Lord Rama depicts how a man should uphold virtuous ideals no matter what the conflicts within a family may be. He exercises his choices and decisions in a way that upholds Dharma. Through all the hurdles in His life, he remained as the perfect son, an ideal king, a true husband, It teaches a wife how to love, honor and respect the choices they make together as husband and wife, a real friend, a devoted brother, a perfect student, and above all a noble enemy! Each and every one of His actions is a lesson to us and thus He is the perfect teacher of humankind to this day.

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Typically, many people raised a question that how come Rama can be an Ideal husband as he sent sita to exile. Rama is an Ideal husband and an Incident in Ramayana is an example to this.After killing Ravana, Lord Rama is resting on a rock. He notices a shadow approaching him. He realises that the shadow is that of a woman. He does not lift His eyes to see who it is, for, Lord Rama never looks at any woman other than Sita. As the shadow nears Him, Lord Rama pulls His feet up, and sits with His legs folded. This is to avoid even the shadow of the unknown woman touching His feet. So careful is He that none other than His wife should touch Him. Lord Rama is particular that even the shadow of another woman should not touch Him. The shadow is then seen to recede. Lord Rama wonders who it is; who had come so close to Him and had yet retreated. So He enquires who the person is. The shadow is that of Mandodari, and she discloses who she is. Lord Rama asks her why she is there. She says she heard that Ravana was killed in battle. Ravana had been a king who had struck fear in the hearts of his enemies. Everyone believed him to be invincible. And yet, he had been killed by someone. She had come to the battlefield to look at the man who killed her husband. She wanted to know what quality He had that her husband did not have. Lord Rama then asks her whether she found what that quality was. Mandodari says she has found that quality. Lord Rama is particular that even the shadow of a woman other than his wife should not touch Him. Ravana, on the other hand, was willing to sacrifice so many lives in his attempt at making another man's wife his. Therein lies the difference. That one quality of Lord Rama has led to His victory. Lord Rama was the one whose thoughts and words never went astray.

Many have a problem with the way Rama treated his wife, Sita. I don't want to approach the Ramayana as a cynic. I want to approach the story of God as the glory of the Lord, the choices He made and interpret it in the context of its divine sankalpa. The logical men and women can scoff for their loss is theirs and mine is a spiritual gain. My purpose in undertaking sadhana is and has never been material. I take pride in remaining steadfastly anchored in being spiritual.

Monday, August 15, 2016


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In the Blessed memory of those courageous Indians
Who died in the struggle for freedom,
Thousands of men and women have given their lives
Some one they never knew nor will ever meet
So today we say a little prayer of thanks to those
Countless unsung Patriots who paid the price of their life
For the supreme cause of the independence

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In memory of our soldiers, who laid down their
Lives in defence of our nation
For they who at the call of the duty
Left all that was dear to them
Endured hardships, faced dangers and
Finally passed out of sight of men
In the path of the duty and self sacrifice, giving their lives
So we might live in freedom
So on this 70th INDEPENDENCE DAY
Remember those unsung heroes
And the pledge allegiance to the flag of our mother Land

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Before 1947 August 15, World Never Know The Meaning Of Freedom,
Its Indian Who Taught The World The True Meaning Of Freedom,
It’s great feeling to be an Indian. Be Proud To Be An Indian, 
So Let’s celebrate holding our heads high…
Let’s bask in the glory of our free country……….
Celebrating with you the True spirit of India Today… “JAI HIND”.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


He was getting  old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,telling stories of the past.
Of a war that he had fought in and
the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies; they were heroes, every one.
And tho' sometimes, to his neighbors, his tales became a joke,
All his Legion buddies listened, for they knew whereof he spoke.
But we'll hear his tales no longer for old Bill has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer, for a soldier died today.
He will not be mourned by many, just his children and his wife,
For he lived an ordinary and quite uneventful life.
Held a job and raised a family, quietly going his own way,
And the world won't note his passing, though a soldier died today .
He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us we may need his like again.
For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldier's part
Is to clean up all the troubles that some people start.
If we cannot do him honor while he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days.
Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say,
Our Country is in mourning,for a soldier died today.
(A Soldier Died Today)
by A. Lawrence Vaincourt


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If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days,it is India! Other might have forgotten,But never can I.The flag of my country,Furls very high!!

The difference between the poor and rich nations is not the age of the Nation. The difference is the attitude of the people, moulded for many years by education and culture. When we analyse the conduct of the people from the rich and developed countries, it is observed that a majority abide by the following ethics and good principles.We the Indians have been able to safeguard our culture for five thousand years despite innumerable invasions, because we held on firm to some values. Those values are just as relevant today as they were in past. There are some people who have nothing good to say about India. They always blame their society and country for atrocities and vulgarities happening in our country. Moreover, they see India not as an Indian but like an American or European. when we don’t know ourselves, our own abilities, we always get blind with others brightness and start feeling ourselves inferior.

There is no place on earth as the face of my country.Her corruptions and vulgarities touch her surface but deep within she is pure, sincere, clean and noble.India is a Great country and always great. I strongly oppose vulgar comments on India.All developments leads in the hands of our leaders and each and every individuals. Our vision can change the nation.Don't blame the country. India is great and I am proud to be an Indian.If you dare to comment, then comment specifically on individuals, not in entire nation.We are Indians and we are Proud of India.