Mother and motherland are greater than heaven! I LOVE MY INDIA.Know not what good I performed in my previous birth and know not what yoga I might have performed before, I have been blessed to be born in this heavenly land. Not sure what precious flowers I worshipped with I have been blessed to be born to this mother land.I sincerely pray god to be in India untill my death and to be born in India in future births.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Power of the Conscience [Thoughts for the Day] By Dunn, Chuck
It has been said, “if we put off repentance another day, we have a day more to repent of, and a day less to repent in.” I sometimes marvel at the difference between my children. For example, Peyton has a heavy conscience. He can’t do anything without feeling badly about it. Katie on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Sometimes I wonder if she even has a conscience at all.
The other day, after homework, baths, dinner, etc. it was play time. Peyton wanted to play the Xbox 360 while Katie wanted to watch her Tinker Bell movie. It was headed for a major sibling “disagreement” when Peyton suddenly said with great conviction, “Okay Katie, you can watch your movie because I played my game after I did my homework.” I thought that was very admirable that he owned up to it being Katie’s turn.
It was still early in the evening. So the deal was Katie would watch her movie and Peyton could play the game once the movie was complete. Unknown to Peyton and to myself, (until I caught her) Katie was taking the remote and repeating segments of the movie she liked. The movie that is a little over an hour long was now closing in on two hours of air time. Katie saw nothing wrong with it.
Actually, she thought it was quite humorous that Peyton wouldn’t get to play his game. Matthew 6:23 tells us, “But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the very light in you [your conscience] is darkened, how dense is that darkness!” I think this tells us that we should always strive to have a clear conscience that is void of any offense toward God especially; but also toward man. There is nothing that can complicate our lives as much as a guilty conscience.
It pressures us and keeps us from enjoying any and everything. We can try to ignore it. But it is always whispering to us and reminding us that what we have done is not right. The guilty conscience also interferes with our faith and our worship. I had to talk to Katie. I had to help her see that what she had done was wrong. Today, take an honest self-examination of yourself and work to remedy those broken relationships. I think your conscience will thank you and I know God will be proud of you.
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