Mother and motherland are greater than heaven! I LOVE MY INDIA.Know not what good I performed in my previous birth and know not what yoga I might have performed before, I have been blessed to be born in this heavenly land. Not sure what precious flowers I worshipped with I have been blessed to be born to this mother land.I sincerely pray god to be in India untill my death and to be born in India in future births.
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Lesson on “ F a c t s of L i f e ”
All the students loved that Teacher because he was efficient in making the students understand any difficult lesson through simple examples. Most of his students were great officials in different fields. Many had been abroad and shined like polestars and many were successful business magnets. Though there were many Teachers, the students never showered that much of affection and respect on them as they showered on that particular Teacher. Most of the students had close contact with that teacher alone through Letters and E-mails.
He too loved his students very much. When they attained success, he considered it as the success of his own children and felt happy over it. But only one fact was bothering him. Though his students were the top scorers in different aspects like the higher officiating posts, wealth and honour, he felt that his students were not leading a happy life. He could understand it through the letters and Emails received from his students. He realized that they were leading a problamatic life with great mental torture. In the race of great achievements, his students had lost their happiness.
All of his students decided to honour him on his 70 th birthday. Though he was not interested in such type of functions, he agreed for the same as he could not say anything against the affinity of his students. They had arranged for a very grand feast in a big auditorium on his birth day. The previous day the teacher invited his students to his residence to have a cup of Tea. Most of his students of Local and Foreign countries assembled in his residence the previous day to his birth day. When they saw him, their joy knew no bound. The teacher too welcomed them with great pleasure and had a discussion with them. Then he went to the kitchen and brought hot tea which he had prepared in a big vessel. He pointed at the different kinds of Tumblers kept on the table and requested them to have the Tea by serving themselves.
Many types of Tumblers like Beautiful Glazed Ornamental Tumblers, silver Tumblers, Ordinary Stainless Steel Tumblers, Aluminium Tumblers and plastic tumblers were there on the table. The students noticed all the Tumblers. There was a tough competition among the students to pick-up the costly and beautiful tumblers. Getting the tea served in the tumblers, they started tasting the same. They made a special mention about the wonderful taste of the tea. The teacher said that the high quality tea leaves were specially ordered and got from a Tea Estate and the delicious tea was prepared for his students. Then the teacher said, “My dear Students I have taught a number of Lessons to you in the past years of my service. Now shall I teach you a LESSON ON LIFE .”
All the students with great interest said in one voice, “ Please Teach us Sir ”. The Teacher started saying, “Though there were many kinds of Tumblers, you rushed to pick up the costly tumblers. It is quite natural. The tumblers you picked up are not that much of importance. But the tea you tasted is of more importance because of the taste and quality of it. Similarly your Job, Money, Officiating Posts, Status etc., are like the Tumblers. Your life is like the Tea. The Quality of Tumblers does not determine the quality of the Tea. In the same way, your Job, Money, Officiating Posts, Status etc., do not determine the quality of your life .
Forgeting the above facts, as you competed to pick up the costly and beautiful tumblers, in your life also you compete to get the valuable job, a lot of money, the highest post and status which is appreciated by others. Because of that only you are suffering from mental torture and problems. As you mistake that the quality of life alias tea is determined by the tumblers alias high post, money and status. You get stuck in the net of competitions, jealousy, hurried deeds and greed. When we pay more importance and attention to the appearance, we lose the charm of our life, we fail to enjoy the taste of life. Even after getting a lot of wealth, as your conscience does not realize the fact of life, it is always found to be dissatisfied.”
when the teacher concluded his lecture there was a pin drop silence among the students . Some were staring at him with great surprise. Tears started gathering in the eyes of some students and some of them burst into tears. They all felt that many things that were not seen in darkness could be seen clearly in bright light . They thought that the lesson taught by him on the facts of life was far better than any other lesson taught by him in the early years of his service and no one else except that teacher could teach and implant such a wonderful lesson in a very simple manner. The teacher rose up to the level of Peak Everest in the minds of his students. One of his students started clapping with tears and the next moment the whole house building was rocked by the applause of the students.
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COURTESY: Prasannan.
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