Love is, in my opinion, the most beautiful of human experiences. It is one emotion that can be felt in whatever we go through, happy or otherwise.
The feeling of love is manifested in four basic ways.
The first one is that of universal love. If we can feel compassion for whoever we come across, we are expressing universal love. This is what Vaasudev Krishna means in the Bhagwad Geeta when He tells that the truly educated are ‘samadarshi’ and look upon a dog and a respectable person with equal compassion. It is this love which makes us merciful towards those who had hurt us.
It was universal love that made Jesus cry out to God even as he was crucified,
“Forgive them, Father; they know not what they do.”
The second type of love is what we feel for people who have made a positive difference to us. We are comfortable with them and life seems incomplete without their presence in some way or the other. These are the people from whom we receive love: usually, our friends and family. This sort of love encourages and empowers us. Such love leaves us with a warm feeling of acceptance. If a friend calls you “the purest ray serene”, can you ever forget it?
The third type of love is exclusive. It is meant for that one person who you love in a way you can love no one else. When this love happens, you understand that it is not mere infatuation or attraction. Deep in you soul, you recognize the person to be your one true love. Whether life gives you the chance to marry that person or not, does not affect your feelings. Just feeling that exclusive love for that special person makes life worth living.
The fourth manifestation of love is for the Almighty. If we can love God as our best friend and see His hand in all that happens in the world, we are endowed with a sense of peace and positive acceptance.
We can deal with pain and disappointments when we feel this love which helps us to be patient and to understand that things happen for a reason. This love teaches us that death is not a loss but a moving-on to the next phase of our eternal journey.
Love, thus, is all that matters.