Tolerance is acceptance or willingness to tolerate. Tolerance is a quality very much needed in society. Just as the five fingers of a hand are different, so are people around us. Everyone is different in appearance, in habits, in behaviour, in dealings and in so many other different ways. If there is to be harmony and understanding in life, it is very necessary to have tolerance.There are differences in every activity. Friendly living calls for tolerance at every step. Human beings live in society. Therefore it is very necessary to develop the quality of tolerance for peaceful co-existence.What one says may be correct and what another says may not be wrong. No one must feel that what he or she says is the only correct thing and whatever others say is wrong. This is where tolerance comes in. We must develop this quality when we are young. As we grow up and as we move from place to place, we come across many differences. Each country has its own customs and traditions.we have to accept them as they are,We should not laught at them,this is where especially tolerance comes in.parents must tolerate children.Teachers must tolerate students. Students have to tolerate teachers. When we fail to tolerate, life becomes unpleasant. Early training helps to develop this quality. We must learn to tolerate others for others have to tolerate us. This mutual understanding will make life better for everybody.
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