“Vijaya Dashami” is celebrated on the tenth day of Hindu month of Asvij
“Vijaya Dashami” is the celebration of Victory. It marks the end of war and the destruction of evil. It is a festival of joy and glory.
Significance: “Vijaya Dashami” is among the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar and comes as the finale of the nine-day festival navaratri.It signifies the victory of the good over the evil.Astrogically also this day is considered auspicious to undertake any new enterprise.
Legend Associated: The dreaded demon Mahishasura was killed by the supreme goddess Durga after a ceaseless fight of 9 days and 9 nights. This day thus marks the victory of Mahishasuramardini, and the defeat of evils.
“Vijaya Dashami” depicts shri Rama’s victory over Ravana.Rama along with his brother Lakshamana, follower Hanuman and an army of monkeys fought a great battle for ten days to rescue sita.On this day Rama killed Ravana the king of Lanka.It is said that sri rama worhsipped Shami tree before proceeding to Ayodhya.On the same day pandavas too, took out their arms, which they had kept in the shami tree and they revealed the identity after one-year of incognito. This marked their preparation for the victorious war of kurukshetra.
The festival of “Navarathri” culminates on “Vijay Dashami”.On this day a huge bonfire of the devils is made, in northern part of India, “Raam Leela” is observed with great enthusiasm.Spirtually the en headed Ravana represents 10 sense organs to be conquered.
शमी शमयते पापम् शमी शत्रुविनाशिनी । अर्जुनस्य धनुर्धारी रामस्य प्रियदर्शिनी ॥
करिष्यमाणयात्राया यथाकालम् सुखम् मया । तत्रनिर्विघ्नकर्त्रीत्वं भव श्रीरामपूजिता ॥
shamI shamayate paapam shamI shaTruvinaashinI | arjunasya dhanurdhaari raamsya priyadasrshinI || karishyamaaNayaatraayaa yayaakaalam sukham mayaa | tatranirviGnakrtrItvam bhava shrIraamapUjitaa
Reciting The Above Sloka People Exchange The Leaves Of Shami Tree With Their Friends And Relatives As A Symbol Of Goodwill On The Day Of Vijaya Dasami Worshipping Shami Tree Is Also Considered As An Effective Remedy For Saturns
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