Forgiveness is a great virtue. In fact, it is said that “To err is human, to forgive is divine”. Yes, forgiveness is a divine quality.
Our father in heaven” is the beginning of a beautiful prayer, taught by Jesus Christ. The following line is a part of it. “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”. We are asking god to forgive us because we have sinned against him. Each day we offend god several times. We tell god that we are sorry and we ask him to forgive us. God, our father, in his mercy and goodness forgives us.
In everyday life many people offend us, insults us, accuse us and even harm us. They too ask us to forgive them. At times, it may be very difficult. Yet we must forgive them. Only then can god forgive us for our sins.
Forgiveness is excusing someone who has offended us and showing him or her mercy. The first reaction is to hit back and to take revenge. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” is jungle law. It does not suit a human being who is blessed with rationality. We must forgive, showing sympathy and love. Two wrongs do not make a right. Hitting back or taking revenge does not show strength. Infact, forgiveness shows it. In order to forgive a wrong, one must have a lot of moral strength. One will have to have a lot of sympathy, love patience and tolerance. One will have to possess a very strong will and above all God’s blessings. No doubt, it is very difficult to forgive.
Forgiving makes us like God. He is the best example of forgiveness. He showers his rain on all. He gives his sunlight to all. He does not separate the good from the bad. When Jesus Christ was crucified with nails and crowned with thorns, he said, “father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”. That is forgiveness.
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