Self confidence is the faith a person should have in himself or herself. It is the conviction that one has the ability required to do thing well. Many people lack self confidence and they falter at first step .people who succeed are those who have full confidence in their abilities. They are daring and very positive.
We must develop our self confidence. If we do not have confidence in our selves how will others have confidence in us? Everything looks easy and possible to the ones who have self confidence. We should be convinced that we can do things .This will help us a positive out look. Like napoleon, we should be able to say that the word “Impossible‘’ is found in the dictionary of fools. Each one of us should say ‘’I can do it. I have the abilities and I will do it ‘’. We should not say how can I? Or ‘’it’s impossible ‘or I cannot “or never.
This confidence will give us an inner drive. It will makes us self –reliant and many an impossible thing will become possible. That is where a miracle takes place.
We should convince our selves that a person’s capacity or ability to do things does not only depend on his on her education, background, size, wealth, or appearance .It is the will that that matters. It is the self –confidence and a very strong determination to succeed that matters. The so called highly successful people or super-heroes were all ordinary people with extraordinary self –confidence and determination.
Let us not forget that we are the children of god, who is almighty .Each one of us is unique. Each one of has a lot of talents. What is lacking is our self confidence. We should have faith in god and remember that god helps those who help themselves.
History is full of examples of people succeeding because of their self –confidence. No handicap could stop them from achieving what they wanted Beethoven, the great composer was deaf. Milton, the great poet, was blind. Helen Keller, the great social worker, was both deaf and blind. Robert Bruce, though defeated and chased, got back his kingdom from the great Macedonian emperor Alexander because he displayed his self confidence even before a victorious king.
One who lacks self confidence will always be a failure. A cat who is afraid to wet its paws can never catch a fish. Every human activity calls for self confidence. It may be driving, swimming, mountaineering, public speaking a business venture and so on; whatever it is, there is the need of self-confidence.
Success belongs to those who have self confidence. They can who think they can. They can’t who think they can’t.
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