Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions.
The GURU is God Himself.
He manifest in a personal form to guide the aspirant.
Grace of god takes the form of Guru
To see the Guru is to see God.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a Man how to fish and you feed him for a life time. That’s exactly what a teacher has done for us and we celebrate this joyous occasion in remembrance of the greatest teacher of India on His Birthday.
Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was born on 5 September 1888 in Tirutani, a well-known religious center in the Madras State. Dr. Radhakrishnan is, indeed, a versatile genius - a great scholar, philosopher, seer, writer, orator, statesman, administrator and above all, a great man. It marks the birth anniversary of former Indian president and teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.
God understood our thirst for knowledge, and our need to be led by someone wiser; He needed a heart of compassion, of encouragement, and patience; someone who would accept the challenge regardless of the opposition; someone who could see potential and believe in the best in others. So He made Teachers.
A word from Guru is a word from God. Man can learn only from man, and hence god teaches through (GURU).
It is a universal truth that "Teaching is a NOBLE PROFFESSION". For the dawn of each poet, each philosopher and king Begins with a Teacher and the wisdom they bring.
Teachers, I believe, that teacher's are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth." Mother show's father and father show's "GURU". The Guru is united with the GOD.
The Greatness of the guru cannot be express in simple words. Teachers Paint the minds, guide the thoughts, Share the achievements and advise the faults. If any fault has done "Guru" will protects but if at all anything wrong is done to "Guru" no God can protect, that is the greatness of the "GURU".
I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love everything in one person and that the person is my teacher.
Today we are like this because of our teachers. So say a small wish and prayer for them. On this teacher's day I thank my teachers always and without them I am nothing that includes my loving Mom and my loving Dad who guided me as parents as well as those days in the school MY teachers. Happy Teacher's day.
Remember all words they say, the words make you special, words make you social, he is our teacher, he is our guide, so let’s make them feel pride by wishing them on this special day.
Let us salute the nation builder. Let us salute the creator of our destiny. Let us salute our teachers. Guru Devo Bhava. HAPPY TEACHERS DAY.
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